
Laurie is currently in development for her first feature film, The Feelers, teaming up with Mary Cheiffo, of Star Trek: Discovery.

Laurie has written the following works available for production:

Returning from Madness: Alice’s sister Grace is diagnosed with Schizophrenia, and Alice falls down a rabbit hole in order to find her.

The Legacy of Amelia Aldean: A one-note-wonder novelist, in the throes of a long dry spell, has moved into the house of dead writer Amelia Aldean in the hopes of summoning her ghost to “invade his life,” desperate to find the story that will turn his own life around. The Legacy of Amelia Aldean will premiere at Magnetic Theatre in September 2019.

SPANDEX, with Wishbone Theatre Collective: SPANDEX explores with it means to be super in the world today, as five children create unique superheroes and five adults divide over the use of the death penalty in their small town. SPANDEX recently received its Texas Premiere with Luckenbooth Theatre Collective.

For information on Laurie’s plays, email laurie@wishbonetheatre.org.

Laurie co-wrote the webseries, Tech Week, with Mandy Stertz.

A group of recent college graduates move to Chicago to start a theatre company, and they are just a little unprepared.